Edith (Black Collar) I have Been Claimed By A New Family
About Edith:
Birthday: January 8, 2024
I was the 7th puppy born
Time: 3:14 pm
Weight: 14.1 Ounces
Gender: Female
Watch Me Grow
January 15 - 1 Week Old
I may be small, but I am mighty! I make sure I am noticed every time I want attention! I weigh 1 pound 7.5 ounces and am gaining weight everyday.
3 Days Old (1/11/2024)
I now weigh 1 pound, 0.4 ounces. I have gained nearly 2.3 ounes, and darn, Shannon just passed me so I am now the smallest of the group. I am moving around the litter pen, my eyes and ears are still closed, but I love snuggling with Mom. I am one of the darkest colored pups of the group.