Tracker - I HAVE A NEW FAMILY!!!!
About Tracker:
Birthday: October 22, 2024
I was the 7th puppy born
Time 8:00pm
Weight: 15.9 Ounces
Gender: Male
Watch Me Grow
November 12, 2024 - 3 Weeks Old
It is taking my some time to gain weight, but I am catching up I am now 2 pounds 15.6 ounces, tomorrow, I will be over 3 pounds! I have gained 1.89 poundes since I was born, which is a little bit more than Skye has gained, so I am doing good.
Like everyone else, I can see, hear, bark, sing, walk, climb, and my teeth have come through. Poor Mom!
This will be a fun week coming up, I am sure our humans will be taking and posting a lot of photos and videos of all the new things we will be doing. Keep watching.
November 5, 2024 -2 Weeks Old
At 2 pounds 6.1 ounces, I am now the smallest of the puppies, but I will work on that this week. I have gained 1.38 pounds since I was born.
Hello Mates!, These raile around the pen remind me of the outback. Not the auto, the real outback. Only outback we have is by the fireplace!
October 29, 2024, 1 Week Old
I try to keep eveyone in line. I can always be found with the group, I love cuddles and rolling around. I now weight 1 pound 14.2 ounces, having gained 14.3 ounces this week. Looking forward to seeing the world around me soon!
October 23, 2024, 1 Day Old
I saw Dr. Masri at Hero Pet this morning and got a quick check, and so far, I am healthy. I am a really good eater, and have gained more than 2 ounces in less than a day! I have dark/medium reddish hair color.