About Skye:
Birthday: October 22, 2024
I was the 1st puppy born
Time: 3:45pm
Weight: 15.3 Ounces
Gender: Female
Watch Me Grow
I am now 5 1/2 weeks old!
I am bossy, noisy and full of life. I am eating solid food. I am smaller than my sister, weighing in at 5 oounds, 14.5 ounces before my bath today, 11/29/2024.
November 12, 2024 - 3 Weeks Old
WOW! What a week! My eyes are fully open and beautiful, or so I have been told. My ears are open, and I can hear my sister and brothers whining and barking at all hours. I have figured out how to use my voice too - I can bark, whimper, howl, and whine, oh, I mean sing! I am walking all over my pen, and even got to try walking on vinyl floor the other day, that was hard, but I will try again
My first teeth came through last night/this morning, so I will start on softened food this weekend. I now weigh 3 pounds 4.4 ounces. I weight the same as Chase, we are not the lightest and not the heaviest, but I have gained 1.87 pounds in 3 weeks, not bad..
November 5, 2024 - 2 Weeks Old
Hey, I can see now! I am working on walking, and will soon be running and playing with my brothers and sister. Ohh, and climbing - might be joining Rubble and Marshall in a breakout soon! I now weigh 2 pounds 9.1 ounces, and have gained 1.6 pounds since I was born 2 weeks ago.
October 29, 2024, 1 Week Old
I am growing and learning how to use my voice. I can move all around the pen, find Mom and my brothers and sister when I want to. I love to be cuddled. My weight is up to 1 pound 12.4 ounces, which means; I have gaied 13.1 ounces, so I have almost doubled my weight!
October 23, 2024, 1 Day Old
I saw Dr. Masri at Hero Pet this morning and got a quick check, and so far, I am healthy. I have already gained more than 1/2 an ounce in less than a day. I have one of the darkest hair colors of the group!