About Rocky:
Birthday: October 22, 2024
I was the 5th puppy born
Time: 6:26pm
Weight: 15.7 Ounces
Gender: Male
Watch Me Grow
November 12, 2024 - 3 Weeks Old
It may not last, but I am earning the nickname "Mr. Mellow" or "Laidback Man" I just do my own thing, and go about it quietly. I am determined to find a way to escape the pen. I can often be found trying to climb on the side safety rail to try and look out over the side walls. Oh well.
I am growing big and strong. I weight 3 pounds, 5.1 ounces, having gained 2.34 pounds since I was born. Like my brothers and sisters, i can see, here, bark, and make all sorts of fun new sounds. I just got my first teeth. This coming week is going to be exciting too. Keep watching!
November 5, 2024 - 2 Weeks Old
2 Pounds 10 ounces, Everest is only 1 ounce heavier than me, I will get her next week. I have gained 1.64 pounds since I was born.
No more Mr. Nice guy. I'm having fun playing with the gang, but being last in line is getting old. I'm thinking about a jail break. Watch our world, I am comming!
October 29, 2024, 1 Week Old
Oh Boy! It has been a fun week, I love to move around, and try and investigate my surroundings. I now weight 1 pound 13.1 ounces, so with a 13.4 ounce weight gain this week, I have almost doubled my weight! I can almost stand on my front legs, so walking will come soon after I open my eyes. The grandkids came by on Sunday, and we had lots of fun playing. It is very important for little pups like me to get used to different people.
An even thou I don't have any teeth, I tried to eat/chew on my name tag while my picture was being taken this week!
October 23, 2024, 1 Day Old
I saw Dr. Masri at Hero Pet this morning and got a quick check, and so far, I am healthy. I have already gained more than 1 ounce in less than a day! I have a medium hair color.