Marshall - I HAVE A NEW FAMILY!!!!!!
About Marshall:
Birthday: October 22, 2024
I was the 2nd puppy born
Time: 5:16pm
Weight: 14.8 Ounces
Gender: Male
Watch Me Grow
I am Now 5 1/2 Weeks Old
I am cute, energetic, love to chew on my siblings' tails, ears, etc. I now weigh 6 pounsa 6.8 ounces. I am eating solid food and I was the first one to get picked for a new family.
November 12, 2024 - 3 Weeks Old
I have been busy this week! My eyes and ears are fully open and working great, I have found my voice, and can use it well. I anm learning to climb over my Mom, borthers and sisters. One of these days, I will break out of this pen!. I even have some teeth now. I am the 2nd heaviest this week, weighing in at 3pounds 9.3 ounces. That means, I have gained 2.66 pounds since I was born 3 weeks ago. Check out the videos that have been posted and see if you can spot my bright blue collar.
November 5, 2024 - 2 weeks Old
I can see too! And I can walk better than my sister Skye! In fact, I was the firt to figure out how to escape the pen! Every now and then, I prefer to steam roll my brother, Tracker! Oh, Well. I am growing too - I now weigh 2 pounds, 10.7 ounces, so I have gained 1.74 pounds since I was born 2 weeks ago. Yeah Me!
October 29, 2024, 1 Week Old
I am a week old, I am very vocal when I want Mom, get "stuck" in the corner of the pen, or just can't seem to find my brothers or sisters. I now weigh 1 pound 13.5 ounces, meaning I have gained 14.7 ounces, so I have almost doubled my weight! My eyes will be opening soon, and I can't wait to see the world around me. I had fun with the grandkids on Sunday, and loved all the cuddles!
October 23, 2024, 1 Day Old
I saw Dr. Masri at Hero Pet this morning and got a quick check, and so far, I am healthy. I have already gained more than 1 ounce in less than a day! I have one of the lightest hair colors of the group!